Via Casa Bedato, 8 Mocogno di Lama Mocogno (Mo)
  • BioFarm Cà d’Pignat

    BioFarm Cà d’Pignat


    Since 1997 Open and Didatics Farm in Emilia Romagna. Cà d'Pignat: place of human rigeneration

  • BioFattoria Cà d’Pignat

    BioFattoria Cà d’Pignat

    Dal 1997 Fattoria Aperta e Didattica in Emilia Romagna. Cà d'Pignat: luogo di rigenerazione umana

A place of Human Healing

We wait for you for days full of joy and serenity. Discovering Nature and all her gifts

We are neither a restaurant nor a traditional agritourism. We are keen in realizing a place of familiar gathering in an agrarian context, to formulate a new touristic offer to everyone who is looking for a domestic dimension for trips out of town, toghether with cultural ventures compatible with the environment and paying attention to an increasing requests of guarantees about nutrition.

Sustainability as a value

Since 1997 the BioFarm Cà d'Pignat operates and carries its initiatives following values of sustainability. We believe that the starting point of circular economy is the ground.

We strongly support the values and intentions of the United nations' 17 goals.

If you want to score with us, collaborate and work with us, join our events and support our projects. We operate collaborating with Hasya – Body meets Soul Social promotion Association.


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Risveglia il tuo Femminile

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Il Femminile di ognuno di noi

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Bio Fattoria Cà d’Pignat
Via Casa Bedato, 8 Mocogno di Lama Mocogno (Mo)

Guess what?

You can walk from Modena to Massa Carrara ...and through our farm Cà d'Pignat...along an ancient route. The name of it is Vandelli Way.

Guess what?

The Farm is surrounded by 133,000 hectars of verdant hills and mountains

Guess what?

In the Farm country there are 5 parks and 1 nature reserve with over 200 animal species.

Guess what?

On the appennino monuntain you can sky along 30 km of sky trails

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    Cà d’Pignat

    Luogo di riGenerAzione Umana

    Coordinate Navigatore

    X 635937 Y 4907177
    Via Casa Bedato, 8 Mocogno di Lama Mocogno  (Mo)

    Claudia Poppi |  04100290362 


    Solo su prenotazione: 3385873486 dal Venerdì sera, Sabato e Domenica o su vostra fantasia per iniziative, gite, matrimoni, ecc.